Druridge Bay Country Park

Birdwatching Sites Druridge Bay Country Park

A very popular leisure destination to the south of Amble and to the north of Cresswell Pond. The main attraction is Ladyburn Lake; a large freshwater lake close to the coastline, which is surrounded by, mixed woodland and meadows. Nearby there is also three miles of sand dunes and beaches, which can be great for sea watching and visiting migrants. The Druridge Bay Country Park has excellent facilities with a visitor centre, toilets, a small café and parking. Visitors can enjoy a relaxing walk around the lake, or along the adjacent coastline.

Species to watch for include Bullfinch, Crossbill, Kingfisher, Redpoll, Siskin, Willow Tit and visiting Long-tailed Duck. Divers and Grebes, Whooper and Bewick Swans and a flocks of Geese during the winter. Once a prime location for Smew, the site remains a favorite with wildfowl all year round.

Highlights have included Little Gull and Marsh Warbler”.

A Pacific Diver from 2017

During January 2017 dozens of birders gathered at the edge of Ladyburn Lake to watch an expert fish-eater which breeds in Alaska, Northern Canada and Russia known as a Pacific Diver. This rare vagrant to the UK, was in the past considered a sub species of Black-throated Diver of which it greatly resembles. They were split however into two species in 2007 by the British Ornithologists Union (BOU); which maintains the British List. The two forms are known to coexist without hybridising in some areas.

Visitors are also recommended to visit the nearby sites of Hauxley and Amble to the north, and , Druridge Pools and Cresswell Pond to the south. Next door you can also find the East Chevington nature reserve.



Map Reference

NZ 227 000


  • Wetland
  • Mixed Woodland
  • Grassland
  • Coastal


There is free public access to the country park. The park is accessible to wheelchair users.


There is a visitor centre which has toilets and a cafe.


There is paid parking available close to the visitors centre.

Additional Information

More information is available at www.northumberland.gov.uk